


Brain-boosting exercises are physical activities that improve the mental, emotional, psychological, and social well-being of a person. In this article we are going to look at 10 brain boosting exercises for cognitive fitness with science backed facts that help  to improve the well-being of a person.

Cognitive fitness is the ability of the neuropsychological impact of the brain to perform intellectual, or mental tasks like problem-solving, learning, developing a skill, decision-making, or memorizing. It helps to sustain and make it easy for the brain to perform these tasks even when we get old. 

Research has shown that performing cognitive fitness helps to prevent age-related cognitive decline like dementia, muscle weakness, sensory decline, serious health conditions, insomnia, and poor eating habits. It improves the quality of the psychological and physical state of a person. 

Renowned psychologist Albert Bandura said, “Cognitive fitness is not a static trait; it is a dynamic, ever-changing state that is subject to growth and decline.” It should be taken seriously, cognitive fitness is not just a characteristic that stays the same way throughout the person’s time on earth. It changes either positively or negatively, to keep the mental state on a good track it’s important to keep learning and performing activities that will keep the brain active.


Brain-boosting exercises are important and it goes beyond the physical state of a person, it also helps to improve the mental, emotional, and psychological well-being of an individual.

It’s a way of flexing the brain because it builds and powers up the brain. By involving in these forms of activities you are challenging your mental ability to perform tasks and develop the overall state of the body.

Do you know that there’s a difference between brain-boosting and physical exercise? Even though they are not the same, they help with the proper functioning of the well-being of the body. They both help with the cognitive impact on an individual and foster the mental and psychological state of a person. They work differently but yield a positive result that promotes the healthy nature that the body requires. Brain-boosting exercises focus on cognitive capability and how to improve its function in a person. While physical exercise helps in physical fitness.

It is important to indulge in both the brain-boosting and physical exercise because they support one another in promoting a healthy lifestyle and overall well-being of an individual.

Brain-boosting exercises are not just limited to only adults, children can also perform and benefit from it. 

According to Friedrich Nietzsche, a German Philosopher “Exercise your brain daily just as you would your body. The human brain is awesome, and it functions 24 hours a day, but it can still benefit from regular exercise.” Exercising should be added to your daily routine or habits. Physical exercise strengthens the body and brain-boosting fitness activities improves the mental state of an individual. Do not limit yourself to only physical exercise but engage in activities that will challenge, improve, and encourage cognitive fitness.

Here are the 10 brain-boosting exercises for cognitive fitness backed by science facts for a healthy, balanced and better life.


Aerobic exercise is a way of boosting the brain and increasing the cognitive function in the body. When you engage in aerobic exercises it helps to pump more oxygenated blood to your brain which helps your brain to perform better. 

It also helps to stimulate the release of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a protein that helps to improve and maintain neurons in the brain.

A study published in the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience found that individuals who participated in a 12-week aerobic exercise program showed significant improvements in memory, attention, and processing speed compared to individuals who did not participate in aerobic exercise.

Studies have shown that aerobic exercises increase spatial memory performance and reduce the risk of health conditions like dementia, depression and anxiety.

Research published in the journal Neurobiology of Aging found that older adults who engaged in regular aerobic exercise had a reduced risk of developing mild cognitive impairment, which is often a precursor to dementia.

Examples of aerobic exercises you can perform or add to your daily activities are; walking, Zumba, skipping, stairs running, kickboxing, running, hiking, rock climbing, swimming, jumping jacks, tabata, rowing, and shadow boxing. Some of these are moderate while some are high intensity workouts.

If you have not added aerobic exercises to your daily activities, it’s important to add it now. It is beneficial to the growth and development of the mental, physical and psychological well-being of a person.


silhouette of man in yoga pose, doing BRAIN-BOOSTING EXERCISE

Mediation is the act of relaxing the mind and relieving or unburdening yourself from stress. It helps to calm the body, improve the memory, and increase the concentration state of the brain. 

Researchers have found that meditation can improve the ability to maintain focus and stay present in the moment. Another research program has shown that it can increase the performance of the natural killer cell, which are a type of white blood cells that can help fight infections, cancer cells, reduce the stress level, and help with the skin quality.

A study conducted by Dr. Helen Weng, a psychologist and neuroscientist at the Center for Healthy Aging at the University of California, San Diego. In a published journal frontiers in aging Neuroscience 2016 titled “Mindfulness training” showed that mediation can improve cognitive functions in older people which helps with the attention and memory span.

There are different types of meditation which are; mindfulness meditation, loving-kindness meditation, transcendental meditation, walking, zen, and guided meditation.

You can meditate by; finding a quiet place, try and breathe slowly, clear your mind, close your eyes to avoid distractions, when you are ready and feel more relaxed, open your eyes, don’t be in a hurry to stand up, and take a moment to self-reflect.


Tai chi is a Chinese martial art practiced for self defense and health. It involves slow, deep breathing, mediation, and strategic movement of the body. It improves balance, reduces stress, increases body flexibility, and a healthy lifestyle. 

Master Zhuang Shen-Yan stated that “Tai chi is more than just an exercise for the body, it is a meditation for the mind and a cultivation of the spirit.” It is not just a physical exercise but helps to relax the mind, the slow movement helps with meditation that allows deeper connection to the body. Tai chi benefits the body, mind, and soul.

29 June 2023 a research paper published by the journal Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience found that tai chi improved memory and cognitive function in older adults with mild cognitive impairment. This result shows that with the aid of tai chi older adults can improve on their cognitive movement, attention, and memory span. 

There are different styles of tai chi and they are; Zhaobao, Wu(Hao), Cheng, Hao, Sun, Wu, Chen, and Yang-style. Although they have different characteristics they produce the same result that promotes the healthy mind, soul, and body.



Yoga is a practice  that helps the spiritual, mental, and physical state of the body. Originated in India, it has become a widely practiced exercise that improves the posture, flexibility, balance, and breathing. It helps to relax the mind and it’s advisable that before you begin the yoga practice, make enquiries from a professional yoga instructor when you have any physical disability.

Swami Vivekananda an Indian spiritual leader, social reformer, and philosopher highlighted the importance of doing this practice “Yoga is a journey of the self, through the self, to the self.” What it means is that it goes beyond the physical state but what’s within,is a self-awareness, self-reflection, and self-discovery journey. It makes you aware of what you need emotionally and what you need to let go off. 

A review has shown that yoga promotes the mind (mindfulness) and attention that can help people to cope with stress and also a healthy lifestyle

Yoga also helps with weight loss because it promotes healthy lifestyle choices so it helps with the meal plan to align with the practice. It is not a high-intensity workout but an hour of doing yoga can burn up to 400 calories depending on the type practiced.

There are many different types of yoga you can practice both at home or in a studio and they are; Hatha yoga, Yin yoga, Bikram yoga, Kundalini yoga, Restorative yoga, Iyengar yoga, Ashtanga yoga, Jivamukti yoga, Prenatal yoga, and Vinyasa yoga. There are different types and styles of yoga so if you want to practice it, it’s important you read about them and talk to a professional to know the one that will give you good results and faster progress.


Dancing is another form of brain+boosting exercise for cognitive fitness, it also  helps to promote and release endorphins in the brain. It helps with the memory aspect because when dancing you have to learn and remember the steps. It also helps with creativity and relieves stress.

According to Paula Abdul, a pop star and American idol judge, she pointed out the essence of dancing which is “Get up off of that thing. Dancing is not just a form of physical fitness; it’s a celebration of life, and a reminder that you can do anything you set your mind to.” Dancing goes beyond physical activities but a way to express yourself and loosen up. 

A research journal published by psychology of sport and exercise found out that dance can reduce stress and increase cognitive movement for college students. 

There are many dance steps which you can engage in and some of them are; ballet, jazz, tap, hip-hop, salsa, contemporary, break, makossa, galala, ekombi, adumu, bongo flava, ndombolo, gwara gwara, and kizomba dance. Different cultures have their unique dance styles, which of these dance steps will you be trying?


girls Hoopa-looping for brain boosting

Cognitive training also known as brain training helps the well-being of an individual. It helps to exercise the nervous system to improve on some mental activities like memory, attention and perform duties effectively. 

“We cannot solve our problems with “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them” this quote was by Albert Einstein an influential physicist. It explains the use of cognitive training because it tasks our brain to think and create solutions to solve challenging puzzles or problems.

Cognitive training has different categories each with their unique functions and targets. Some of these training are; critical thinking, puzzle solving, processing information, reasoning training, learning, attention training, emotional balance, verbal reasoning, comprehension, strategic thinking and problem-solving. 

The major aim of cognitive training is to strengthen the mind to be creative and strategic, not limiting oneself. It opens the mind.


Have you ever come across an advert that said “when you play this game it increases your cognitive abilities, state or fitness?” 

Brain training games help to improve and strengthen the cognitive fitness of a person. Some games require you to think strategically before you make a move. Games are not only for entertainment purposes but they help with the mental and psychological state of a person.

A study done in 2022 by the National Institute for Health, showed that children who played video games for three or more hours per day were faster and more accurate on both the cognitive tasks than those who never played. 

Games help the mind and with the help of technology you can play some of these games online. Examples of brain training games are; Sudoku, chess, ludo, jigsaw puzzles, trivia, crosswords, Scrabble, riddles, board games, card games, and word games. Whether it’s for fun, or to challenge yourself, it’s important you play a game at least once a week to strengthen your mind.


man hiking in jungle, exercise for brain

Hiking is a good way to improve cognitive fitness because it requires both physical and mental ability to overcome some challenges on the way. It requires you to pay attention and memorize the path to avoid getting lost and it’s also a way to reduce stress.

According to Dr. Matthew Kampert, MD, a sport medicine specialist said “Hiking is a great way to improve your overall physical fitness. It’s a low impact activity that works your whole body, strengthens your heart and lungs and can help to improve your balance and coordination.” Dr. Kampert highlighted the importance of hiking and how it helps to regulate the body and improves the mental, psychological, and emotional well-being of a person.

There are different types of hiking which are; day hiking, overnight hiking, thru-hiking, peak bagging, winter hiking, and trekking. Before embarking on your hiking journey you need some important essentials which are; hiking boots or shoes, appropriate clothes, water, sun glasses, first aid kit, sunscreen, map, snacks and whistle (in case of emergency).


Resistance training helps to build up the mind and promote strength and endurance. 

According to Dr. Peter Attia, MD, a physician, said that “You’ve got to be strong, you’ve got to have muscle to accompany that strength. You’ve got to have cardiorespiratory fitness.” 

He pointed out the importance of resistance training because as a person gets old they need enough strength and muscle volume. They can be maintained or gotten by actively participating in resistance training.

Resistance training are mostly high-intensity workout that involves a lot of physical activities and some examples are; weight-lifting, push-ups, squat, bench press, pull-ups, leg press, planks, and biceps curls.


man swimming in pool, BRAIN-BOOSTING EXERCISE

Swimming is another form of brain boosting exercise for cognitive fitness. Although it involves physical strength it still requires the mental state. It has been shown to increase the brain derived neurotrophic and (BDNF) level. 

Swimming helps cognitive fitness, mood and psychological well-being. Dr. John Ratey, a Harvard psychiatrist said “Swimming is not only great for physical health but also boosts your brain power, thanks to the increases in BDNF levels it causes. So, get in the water and swim your way to a healthier, happier brain!” Dr. Ratey emphasized on the importance of swimming and how it improves the brain.

There are different ways to swim and they are; freestyle, butterfly, doggy paddle, sidestroke, backstroke, breaststroke, or lap swimming.

If you can’t swim, are you willing to learn?

Can you swim, if yes, how many times in a week or month do you visit the pool?


It is important to know and understand how paramount brain-boosting exercises are for cognitive fitness. It helps to improve and strengthen mental, physical, emotional, and psychological well-being. Breakfast helps to reduce the risk of dementia and other chronic sickness. 

You can do aerobics exercises, meditate, perform tai chi,yoga, you can dance, get involved with cognitive training, play brain training games, hiking, learn more about resistance training or swimming.

No matter the brain-boosting exercises you perform, it will help to improve the cognitive state and reduces stress.


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