
How to Start Over and Thrive in Life: Hitting The Reset Button in 2024

There are several ways to reset your life and achieve your goals, and it means forming a new path towards life and exploring other options on how to start over and thrive in life.

Life feels like an unending journey filled with mixed emotions, struggles, happiness, sadness, and growth. We might not fully understand how life works, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t stop learning and seeking knowledge.

“Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.” As stated by Soren Kierkegaard, a philosopher, theologian, and writer, life is not something we can figure out or solve like a puzzle. Just enjoy the moment and embrace the experience.

Life is not a videotape that you can pause to take a break, play to continue, rewind to enjoy the happy moments, or fast forward to skip the challenging scene; it’s a continuous process you experience in real time. Even when there are challenges, we have to keep our chins up.

In the words of Canadian rapper and singer Drake, “Everybody dies, but not everybody lives.” It highlights the difference between just existing and living a meaningful and fulfilling life. Make the most of your time on earth, take that risk, pursue that passion, and go back to your New Year’s resolution.

Here’s a comprehensive blueprint on how to reinvent yourself. Follow these steps to reclaim your life.


Changing your habits is the first transformative step in hitting the reset button in your life. Prioritizing healthy habits is good because it can lighten your mood towards life.

“Habits are formed by the repetition of particular acts and can be changed by the repetition of new ones.” In the words of Dale Carnegie, an American writer and lecturer, he explains that habits are routines we perform regularly, and they become instilled in us.

You can change your habits by reading a book every day; it can be motivational, fictional, comic, romantic, poetry, fantasy, or historical. It can increase your knowledge and help you learn new words.

Try out morning rituals like waking up early, meditating, writing down what you want to achieve for that day, exercising, or eating a healthy breakfast.

Welcoming positive change in your life, even in small ways, can have a great impact on your life and can create a fresh start with a clear perspective.


Spending hours online often takes our attention and time to do other things. It distances us from connecting with real-life experiences, and it can be addictive, especially when you have FOMO (fear of missing out) on the latest on what’s trending.

Selena Gomez highlighted the importance and dangers of social media. She said, “I think it’s important to take breaks from social media and remember that it’s not the whole picture of your life. You need to give yourself a chance to breathe and disconnect from all the noise. It is vital to take a break from the digital space to enable you to recharge and refocus on your well-being.

Trying out social media detox by disconnecting yourself from the online world and reconnecting yourself to your surroundings, rediscovering forgotten hobbies, and spending time with family members and friends.


You can’t start a journey without planning; writing down meaningful goals can serve as a compass for navigating life.

“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.” H. Jackson Brown Jr. highlighted the importance of drawing out the goals you would love to achieve either in business, career, academic, or personal life.

There are so many ways to set your goals, write down what you want to achieve, and create a vision board, using the S.M.A.R.T. goal technique, which stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. Write out the objectives and ways you can achieve them.


In hitting the reset button in your life, you have to find out the factors limiting your personal growth, progress, and development.

Robert E. Baine Jr. said, “The less you respond to negative people, the more powerful your life will become.”

Cutting off negative people is one way to start your journey toward revamping your life. Toxic people can distract and discourage you from meeting your full potential. Take a close look at the people around you and check if there’s anyone who always discourages you from meeting up with your plans.

Toxic people are energy vampires, they always want to drain your zeal and strength by prioritizing yourself, and they always collect and run away when challenges arise.

To move forward in life, you have to remove these negative influencers by setting boundaries and limiting communication with them.


Unburdening yourself is an essential step in hitting the reset button on your life. You can do this by learning from past mistakes. Do not feel bad for not reaching your target goal, but go back to the drawing board and find solutions and methods to use so you can avoid those same mistakes.

Another way to unburden yourself is to reflect. Reflection is the act of taking your time to think back on past experiences. Look at those events and how they shaped your life, either positively or negatively.

Let go of the past and look forward to making progress in your personal growth. Do not allow negative events to hold you back. It might not be easy, but you have to let those memories go because reflecting on them can hinder your progress.

Create time for yourself and indulge yourself with activities that make you happy. It could be going out with friends, reading a book, seeing a movie, riding a bike, listening to songs, or taking yourself out. Whatever it may be, you have to put your mental wellbeing first.

Reach out to friends and family When you feel overwhelmed or emotionally drained, it is important to reach out because talking to a loved one can bring comfort. You can also seek the help of a professional counselor or therapist; they can guide you on how to improve your well-being and activities that can help to make you feel better.


Rediscovering yourself is an act of self-reflection. You can ask yourself these questions: Am I truly happy? What makes me happy? Have I lost my zeal to pursue my passion? or I’m not really in the right frame of mind to continue doing what I love? These questions can serve as a guide in your journey to rediscover yourself.

“When you undervalue what you do, the world will undervalue who you are.” Oprah Winfrey emphasized the importance of knowing your self-worth because if you do not value your skills, others may not either.

Investing time and energy in skill development related to your hobbies can improve your growth and increase your knowledge. You can learn a new skill, which can be personally rewarding and can open you up to new opportunities.

Infusing your hobbies into your daily activities can bring a deeper meaning to life and help in the process of rediscovering yourself.


It is important to put your mental health first because investing in your well-being can lead to a happy and healthier life. Be intentional about your personal growth and well-being by identifying the negative influences and how to remove them to promote your well-being.

Physical activities can be incorporated into your daily activities, like exercising, going to work, or hitting the gym. It helps to promote a healthy lifestyle, and it plays a big role in resetting your mental state. You can detox yourself by walking away from negative influencers.

Putting yourself first is good; it’s okay to say no to people or things that can easily distract you from meeting your objectives. It is vital to prioritize activities that bring you happiness and avoid events or people that cause stress in your life as much as possible.


On this journey of hitting the resetting button in your life, you have to stay focused. You have to take a strategic approach to achieving this. Mistakes are part of life, and you have to take a step back and identify mistakes and distractions and how you can overcome them.

“What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” Friedrich Nietzsche, a philosopher and writer, highlighted that even though we face some challenges,we can learn from them and become stronger by not allowing them to tear us down.

To stay focused, you have to write down your goals and methods you can use to stay on track. Creating boundaries by limiting screen time or changing routines can help you achieve your goal faster.


Cutting off toxic people and welcoming healthy relationships is a way to develop your personal growth. Be intentional about the company you keep because some people can emotionally, psychologically, mentally, and physically drain your growth in life.

Discover and develop positive influencers, engage in good communication that can bring out ideas, and grow and develop mental well-being.

As Jennifer Lopez famously said, “Surround yourself with people who lift you, not pull you down.” Associate with people who motivate you to work harder toward achieving your goal, and avoid individuals who discourage you.

Another famous quote is by Davido, who said, “We rise by lifting others.” This quote is widely popular, and it reflects on the power of collaborative effort: when we help others to succeed, we also help ourselves to succeed.

Relationships should not bring you down; rather, they should inspire you to bring out the best version of yourself. Nurture healthy relationships that can help you to develop and grow.


A financial revamp is the process of evaluating and reorganizing your finances. You review your current expenditures and know how to improve the way you spend so you can reach your financial goal.

You have to have a long-term financial goal because it’s crucial to achieving financial stability. Be open to learning how to save and invest; having financial education can give you an understanding of how finances work. Poor financial decisions can lead to money trouble, and a solution to avoid making financial mistakes is to have a financial manager help manage your account to avoid overspending and going into debt.

With the advancement of technology, a variety of mobile apps that can be installed on your phone are now available. It allows its users to save or invest their money and track their progress.

Financial revamping often requires the willingness to adapt to some changes, like cutting down on the way you spend and creating saving habits.


“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” This proverb was constructed by the ancient Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu. It means that when you have a challenging task ahead, it’s important for you to take the first step and begin the journey. Progress is made by taking it bit by bit.

If you want to move forward, you have to stop procrastinating and make a move by taking that bold step in starting that career, launching that business idea, or learning a marketable skill.

John Wooden, a legendary basketball coach, said, “Don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.” Focus on goals you can achieve, and don’t dwell on the ones that can limit you.

Create a list of your objectives and be committed to achieving them; that’s one way to develop growth.


Be open to corrections, solutions, ideas, and experiences. It’s one essential key to hitting the reset button in your life. You have to embrace this new beginning and learn how to manage your goals effectively.

Life is all about learning. We learn every day because it expands our knowledge and understanding. Avoid being close-minded because it has a disadvantage, which is slow development in achieving your aim.


Thoughtful reflection means taking a break to pause and think about how far you have come and how it affects your current situation. It involves asking yourself questions like: what is working, what are the limitations, what’s the next step to take, is the plan going to be long-term or short-term, etc.

It’s also a way to achieve clarity in life and cultivate the act of gratitude by praising yourself and how far you have come in achieving your goal. Thoughtful reflection can be done by meditating, journaling, or talking to a trusted person.


Hitting the reset button in life requires you to take a deeper look at what’s going on and how you can achieve personal growth.

It may involve changing your habits, limiting your screen time, writing down your goals, cutting off negative influencers, letting go of the past, discovering your passion, putting your mental well-being first, avoiding distractions, cultivating positive relationships, making financial decisions, taking that bold step, being open to learning, and reflecting on your achievements.

Do not be afraid to hit the reset button and embrace this fresh start.


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