
THE DYNAMIC TRIO: How Sex, Money, And Power Shapes Your Life                                  

Sex, money, and power is such an interesting topic and driving force in our modern-day generation. Understanding the effects, it has on young adults cannot be overemphasized.

So, join me on this complicated but interesting journey as we look at and uncover how it shapes society, the mindset towards it, trends, and how these three aspects affect us in relationships, cultural values and so much more.


Now let’s talk about sex, sex is an emotional feeling because of the satisfaction and pleasure we get. It helps to release endorphins and oxytocin which are called the happy hormones or feel-good hormones. You can also experience this by listening to good music, watching your favorite binge-show, cooking or just doing what you love.

Let’s go back to our topic, media outlets often include sexual content in music, films, and stories because it has been proven to be controversial, and the selling point in the market and can attract people to buy or invest in the content because “sex pays”

Everything in the world is about sex except sex, sex is about power ”This was from Oscar Wilde who was a playwright, novelist, and poet. Remember that sex, money, and power are connected. This quote explains how some individuals use sex as a tool or an advantage to gain power, confidence, and control over their significant other or sexual partners, some people also use sex as a medium to climb the corporate ladder, to gain fame or attention. Sexuality is part of human life, it shows the phase of discovery, exploration, and understanding of one’s sexuality or identity. Let’s look at some of the effects it has:


How does sex affect this modern generation? Sexual content and imagery are all over the place we get to see these themes in movies, musical videos, adverts, video games and so much more. Recent studies have shown that there’s a high consumption of pornography videos by younger adults and some tagged it as a pornography epidemic among young adults, these studies have highlighted the rise and availability of x-video-related content.

It is undeniable that sex plays a big role in today’s society and the effect it has on individuals, relationships, beliefs and so much more.


The significance of sex in a relationship is something we cannot dispute “I do not want to be the leader. “I refuse to be the leader. I want to live darkly and richly in my femaleness. I want a man lying over me, always over me. His will, his pleasure, his desire, his life, his work, his sexuality, the touch of him, his command, his shoulder, his legs, his strength.” This was from Anaïs Nin a French- Cuban author, diarist, and essayist.

It explains how a lady would love her significant other to cherish, protect, love, support, and desire her. Sex plays the role of intimacy and bond builder in the relationship.


I know we must have heard about LGBTQ+ and the full meaning is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, or (Questioning) and more. Even though it is illegal in some countries, it is still a trending topic because when a person questions his or her Sexuality (queer stage) it might affect the partner. While some people might be on the point of self-discovery, which is knowing their sexuality (queer). we cannot overlook the effects it has on families, religious beliefs, and societal norms. Self- discovery journey is finding out what you truly want and desire, but there are a lot of criticism attached to this community or group of people.


Oh yes sex has a role to play when it comes to mental- health. We see a lot of body shaming, questioning identity, not being attractive enough, or a lack of sex appeal. As I earlier stated, some individuals use sex as a tool for confidence or power, you just have to be open, vocal, and know your worth, it helps to build a healthy relationship.


sex education is important and must be taken seriously, it should be taught in schools and parents should let their kids know about their body parts and where not to be touched. Sex education helps people to understand how to prevent STDs/STIs and hepatitis B. It can also help to educate people on the use of protection. Poor sex education can lead to risky behaviors and antagonistic consequences.


Consent is very important whether in a relationship or marriage, consent is key. If a person says no, respect the decision, that is why the absence of proper sex education can lead to harmful consequences. Respect a person’s decision and adhere to their request.


     Money is very important and has a great influence on the economy, family, relationships, independence, and lifestyle. Lillian Hellman who was a playwright in one of the plays, wrote “Money makes the world go round” This is a very popular quote and what this means is that money is a phenomenal force in our society and personal relationships. In our modern day, we see the influence that money has on youths, and how it shapes their lives and aspirations of them. Let’s look at some of the values and effects it encompasses:


Financial independence means to achieve your needs without the support of anyone. Financial planning, investing, budgeting, savings, and expenditures can help in making decisions on how to manage finances and also guide someone before making financial spending. The attitude to manage finances responsibly can help to succor a sense of independence and sufficiency.


Financial stability helps to open doors to good educational systems, and work opportunities.   


With the modern-day lifestyle, fashion, trends, and expenses, some youngsters would love to jump on the latest happenings and trends so they won’t feel left out. Poor financial decisions and plans can lead to debt, tight budgets, or money trouble. Financial stress affects the mental state mostly when there are bills and debts to pay. It can cause a burden on the psychological state of an individual. Avoid making financial mistakes and plan before spending.


“Social media has a significant impact on consumer behavior by influencing purchase decisions, shaping brand perception, fostering peer-to-peer recommendations, and creating a sense of community among consumers. These effects are driven by various factors such as social influence, emotional engagement, and perceived credibility of online content” This was from “The Impact of Social Media on Consumer Behaviour: A Review” by Nasir, Ali, and Zahir (2018). This explains how social media plays a big role in encouraging and deciding what people should purchase. There’s a high demand for consumer culture and materialism and it can lead to pressure and poor financial decisions can lead to financial strains.


       Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely, this famous quote was by Lord Acton, who was a British historian, politician, and writer. What this statement explains is how power can be misused and too much power can likely make a person act badly, unethical or harmful way.

Power is not a game; it is a responsibility. You have to use it wisely or else it will use you – Unknown author. But what this means is that power is a serious tool and not a toy, it also explains that when a person is not careful with it, it can end up controlling the person.

The pursuit of power and influence might likely shape young adults’ views on societal roles and ambitions, let’s look at some qualities of power in society.


The latest trend and aspiration to become popular can make some people likely join trends or do anything to become influencers or celebrities. But the advantage of youths in power or holding positions in businesses, or politics is that the leadership can change the view in the society and make a positive impact on people around them.


Someone can be socially responsible by actively being involved in volunteering services, environmental sanitation, and activities. The future belongs not just to the dreamers but to the courageous voices that champion change – By the 44th president of the United States of America, Barrack Obama. The youth are the future and voice of hope, you have to use the power and influence for the greater good of society.


A young person who makes a decision today with intelligence and compassion will have a positive impact on the world tomorrow, – Anthony Robbins and what this means is that young people still have a voice and power in society and also have the power to make a difference through the decisions they make. Decision-making is not easy, so before making decisions, it is important you know if it would have long-term consequences, the social effects, if it would bring about change or progress. It is important to be objective and civil when making decisions, and you can also communicate about it to others if you do not feel too sure orr are still confused about it.


The role of sex, money, and power can be complex in today’s world, they play a huge role in shaping the ideas, well-being, psychological state, decisions, and actions of the youth. These three have an impact in today’s world which may have negative or positive effects.

It is vital to understand the importance of consent, Sexual literacy is essential for staying safe and it is good to have a strong background knowledge of sex education and how to protect yourself and your mental wellbeing.

Financial stability, liberation, and independence are important, it is imperative to make the right financial decisions to avoid financial burdens and debts because life is a little bit easier when you are debt free and even though you have 99 problems owing debt should not be among.

Power, who doesn’t like power, but remember too much of it, is bad (just like the way a man feels powerful when holding a gun) you need to understand the weight that comes with being in control and you can use your power or influence to change or add value(s) to the society.


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