

Turning 30 marks a unique milestone, it’s a journey of life that shares the exuberance of youth and the joyfulness and wisdom of adulthood. It shows an outburst of emotions like excitement, apprehension, and anxiety.

Mark Twain a legendary humorist and author believes that age is just an issue of mind over matter if you do not mind, it doesn’t matter. This quote is a powerful statement voicing that the mind is imposed by societal perceptions of age. It encourages individuals to focus on their mental attitude, emphasizing that age should not define one’s capabilities, way, choices, or quality of life. It points out the importance of a positive mindset as it disregards the limitations society places on age.

Entering 30 marks an essential piece in one’s life, often referred to as the dawn of a new decade, the third floor, or the beginning of the “Dirty Thirty”. The journey to 30 is significant and let’s look at some pivot guides to consider before you climb the third floor in life or should I say a beautiful milestone.


Our pursuit to stay young and enjoy life without worries or stress can lead to the belief that stepping into a new decade can be exhausting. There’s an endless desire to hold onto the carefree days of youth when we could eat what we wanted without thinking about the repercussions, our endless play because our knees cannot get exhausted, laugh, and do not think about bills. But there’s a feeling that comes with turning into a new age and getting older because now you see yourself as someone younger folks would look up to as a source of inspiration and strength. 

 The transition to 30 is often met with both excitement for the possibilities ahead and fears about what the new age will bring and what the future holds. As children, we cried out for the independence and freedom that adulthood promised because we wanted to make our own rules, avoid getting scolded, and of course because we wanted two pieces of meat. Hmm, I wish we knew maybe we probably would have enjoyed our time to play more, eat more, and sleep more but the complexities and complications that come with adulthood can take a huge toll on us.

Now, as adults, we can only wish to do the things we didn’t enjoy as kids but we keep them in our memory gap and laugh it out because the weight of the burdens of bills and stress can be discouraging but we move. The reality of life’s challenges becomes more noticeable as the years progress.


However, despite the fear, turning 30 isn’t something you should be afraid of but give yourself a round of applause because you are on the “third floor” and 30 is the new 18. It just simply shows the point in life where you can flourish because you are more self-aware, just remember that the older you get, the wiser you become. Do not put yourself under pressure because of societal norms or values they put out.

The expectations of being more responsible, potentially starting a family, financially stable without depending on anybody, and achieving personal milestones and goals can be challenging sometimes.

The weight of expectations on accomplishments and the unending comparison to other people’s milestones can be frustrating and cause more trouble because you feel you are put on a pedal stool without your permission. There’s a sense of nervousness about not meeting your goal whether in a relationship, personal achievement, career, business, school, or not being able to tick off some things on your bucket list, the feeling is not something we can deny because it hurts in a certain way.


 Turning 30 should show how resilient and hopeful you are towards life. It’s a unique and special age because you can give out advice because you know more about challenges that life holds and with the wisdom gained you can be able to navigate life, just see yourself as a “Wisdom Bank”

As this special new decade approaches, the youthful aspirations and adult realities mirror the essence of turning 30. Do not think about the fears and anxieties but also welcome the new developments concerning the opportunities, growth, and evolution of this magnificent milestone.

According to Muhammad Ali a legendary boxer and cultural icon he stated that “Age is just a number, and it’s how you feel on the inside that counts”. This popular phrase, “age is just a number,” tells the truth. It shows the idea that our age should not be the deciding factor in determining our abilities or limiting our potential. Rather, be more focused on the power of your mindset, your enthusiasm, and your commitment to the growth and development of yourself.


The constant affirmation reflects the significance of your attitude towards life. It shows that our resilience, and determination to evolve and grow are more influential than the number of years we’ve lived. It encourages us to focus on our passions, our drive to learn and unlearn things, and our willingness to new experiences and opportunities.

This phrase is a guiding principle that encourages us to go beyond the limitations and societal standards attached to age.  Our capacity to grow, be more creative, and accomplish things have no boundaries. Instead, see this as a push to work harder and embrace the changes that follow but still be open-minded toward life.

Ultimately, it’s not the number our age carries that should determine what to do or define us, but rather, it should show the depths of our passions, talents, opinions given, and lifestyle choices. Always remember that achievement and fulfillment are not restricted to some age groups but they are boundless and anybody can achieve their goals as long as they put their mind to it. In life, we learn, unlearn, love, create, cry, grow, enjoy and so much more.


You do not want to enter this new year of your life with a negative mindset or feeling uneasy because of unending pressures.  The importance of positivity can lead to greater willpower. It implies that one’s attitude towards the new age determines its essence. Do not get affected by age-related concerns, and do not get worked up. You have to accept that this is a new milestone and greater adventure in life awaits you.  Just maintain a positive attitude and do not allow age to become a barrier or source of concern.


As you turn 30, you start to learn how to appreciate the limitless possibilities the age presents. 30 should not be a stopping block to achieving your set goals or aspirations rather it should create the freedom to pursue those goals although there might be some challenges concerning societal norms and stereotypes attached to getting older, do not be discouraged and break free from the restriction and live your life based on your terms (but be law abiding and ethical about it) and unbounded by societal expectations related to age.

 Beyoncé, a singer, songwriter, dancer, performer, and cultural icon stated “I don’t feel like I have to prove anything to anyone, I feel like I’m in a great place. I feel blessed, I feel happy, I feel free” this explains confidence that comes with getting older and the feeling of not trying to prove yourself. This is just a reminder that happiness and contentment are what matters most and not external validation.


Aging is vital to the human cycle, you have to develop a special mental resilience and have the right mindset because it is crucial, especially as challenges become more inevitable, life is just like a game, if you want to progress to another level you have to pass some obstacles and the higher the level the harder it becomes, the same element applies to getting older, the fear of making mistakes, not seeing the desired result can be unfulfilling but do not give up, remember achieving your goal is boundless.

 Maintaining a positive mindset is very important and a key factor in navigating life, this new milestone should be a stepping stone to achieving greater things. Remember this new age should be seen as a tool for growth, maturity, willingness to learn and so much.


Similar to how wine stays and improves its quality over the years, people also grow wiser with time. Drawing from their reservoir of experiences, they draw wisdom and knowledge on how to navigate life’s challenges because of experience. Contrary to popular misconceptions, aging doesn’t stop one’s ability to remain relevant or try out new trends on social media. As people grow older, they tend to find comfort in accepting change as part of life’s journey because change is always constant. This acceptance can be learning new skills; like how to paint and unlearning bad habits and lifestyle.

The struggle to keep up with the younger generation can be overwhelming because there’s always a new trend, slang, or signs but it’s okay to accept that you are getting older and just welcome the ability to be able to share advice or knowledge with people. So, there’s no need to worry about how to stay updated with what’s trending. Instead, find something you enjoy doing and learn to relax. The beauty of this milestone is the richness of experiences. Remember 30 is the new sweet 18


It is essential to “know thyself”. Understanding your values, flaws, weaknesses, strengths, fears, and passion builds the foundation of personal growth. You can explore various hobbies, learn new skills, or tick your bucket list like how to ride a bike, how to swim, how to drive, maybe go on solo trips or dates, or take it up a notch by going sky diving or doing something to get your adrenaline pumping, these experiences can serve as an avenue for self-reflection and going back to the drawing board by planning what you want to achieve. You can use this medium and remember each challenge and how you conquered them. This should be the driving force to overcome future challenges.


It is important not to overlook your mental health, as you turn 30 you have to put your mental well-being first. Develop coping mechanisms, practice self-care, and seek therapy or counseling from experts, talk to friends, family, or religious leaders if needed.  Start to prioritize your mental health, this is paramount because when you are emotionally or mentally down it slows down development and causes severe and drastic change which may be harmful.

Your mental well-being involves more than acknowledgment; it’s about having a healthy mind.  Embracing self-care practices like doing things that would make you happy; and developing health routines like maybe going to the gym, taking a walk, hanging out with friends, or listening to good music, has a way of making you happy and relaxing your mind.

There’s no shame in seeking therapy or counseling, sometimes we need someone to talk to that can help or guide us on what to do and how to handle some situations life throws at us. Professional guidance provides details on how to handle issues. They might tell you to meditate, write down what you are feeling, or engage in fun activities to take your mind away from the unending hustles in life.


As you get older you need to understand that there are certain things you can’t do and certain foods you can’t eat, even if you have to eat them, there is a limit to how often you should. It’s important to exercise while prioritizing healthy food. It’s not easy to change eating habits but to live a healthy life you have to be careful and create a diet plan. It is also important to take a daily walk or visit the gym, as you get older your body sometimes gets weaker so you must stay healthy and fit. Regular check-ups are also important like checking your sugar level, blood pressure, breast cancer check, etc.


When wine ages, the quality improves and tastes better. The same with getting older, this brings some sort of fulfillment and life experiences. Aging allows us to gain more wisdom and knowledge, and achieve more of our set goals.

Do not be afraid of turning 30, welcome to a new milestone, and remember getting older is part of life. This is the time to let go of old views and step into a more authentic and empowered version of yourself and see this as a new level of self-awareness and personal growth.

As you step into this new decade and season of your life, use this as a medium to self-reflect, explore, try out new things, create new goals, and find new hobbies. Learn from past mistakes and experiences and use them as a guide to move forward. Be proud of youself and how far you have come and let that be your inspiration and drive.


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